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Iowa Champions 

Admiral Mike Franken

Admiral Mike Franken

2020 & 2022 Candidate U.S. Senate

Abby Finkenauer

Abby Finkenauer

2020 Candidate U.S. Congress District 1

Dave Loebsack

Dave Loebsack

Retired U.S. Congress District 2

J.D. Scholten

J.D. Scholten

2018 & 2020 Candidate U.S. Congress CD 4

Deidre DeJear

Deidre DeJear

2018 Candidate Secretary of State

Rita DeJong

Rita DeJong

2018 Candidate Iowa State House District 6

State Senator Mike Gronstal

State Senator Mike Gronstal

2016 Candidate State Senate District 8

Jim Mowrer

Jim Mowrer

2016 Candidate U.S. Congress CD 3

Monica Vernon

Monica Vernon

2016 Candidate U.S. Congress CD 1

Kim Weaver

Kim Weaver

2016 Candidate U.S. Congress CD 4

Dave Grussing

Dave Grussing

2016 Candidate State House District 7

Patty Judge

Patty Judge

2016 Candidate U.S. Senate

Bob Krause

Bob Krause

2016 Candidate U.S. Senate

Pat Murphy

Pat Murphy

2016 Candidate U.S. Congress CD 1

Mike Sherzan

Mike Sherzan

2016 Candidate U.S. Congress CD 3

Desmund Adams

Desmund Adams

2016 Candidate U.S. Congress CD 3

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