Son of First African-American Elected to Virginia General Assembly Since Reconstruction Urges 2016 Dem Presidential Candidates to Come to Virginia ASAP
October 12, 2015
William Ferguson Reid, Jr.
Blue Virginia
The Voting Rights Act after 50 years
August 5, 2015
Markus Schmidt
Richmond Times Dispatch
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 - how America did overcome
August 1, 2015
Timeline - The history of voting rights
Lawmakers part of 90 for 90 campaign to get new registered voters
Juy 7, 2015
Amanda Rochita
Schapiro: In Virginia, history was written by the 'The Lost Cause'
Juy 4, 2015
Jeff Shapiro
Richmond TImes Dispatch
Virginia’s GOP is facing a demographic nightmare
June 9, 2015
Wills Dahl
Baltimore Post-Examiner
At 90 years old, a former Virginia lawmaker continues voter registration efforts
April 26, 2015
Brie Jackson
Finch: Would you like to run for office?
April 19, 2015
Nancy Finch
Schapiro: Taking back the legislature one vote at a time
April 14, 2015
Not Like Ike: Today's Divide And Conquer GOP
March 15, 2015
Martha Jackovics
Beach Peanuts
Ferguson Reid’s movement can bring change to Virginia
February 22, 2015